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CNC Milling Machine Design

This project is a term long design project, which provided us with a platform to showcase all the techniques we have learnt throughout the year, both in terms of modeling and design analysis. The design task required us to conceptually design a hobby level CNC milling machine.


Throughout the project, we started from basic research, learning from other reference designs and building upon our design library, to eventually designed and justified our own milling machine design along with completed and structurally functional models. During the design process, the design team iterated several times to finalize the stakeholders on which the design will be focused. 

Along with research on stakeholders’ needs, our group came up with three main candidate designs, which briefly demonstrated what the structure of the machine looks like and how the axes move. The three candidates narrowed down our design solutions and guided us to more specific research and calculation needed for final design selection.


During the process, each team member became an “expert” in one or more aspects, helping each other by sharing what they learned in terms of design analysis. Eventually, reasonable design justifications are given to our finalized design selection, with structurally functional models provided.


During the entire design process, not only have I improved in terms of technical skills like modeling and justification, but also grown into a more capable potential engineering designer. I developed my personal communication skills with my teammates through discussions and argument. During convincing one another, my verbal and expressive skills also improved as the result.  

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