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Double sauce container design

The idea of designing such a container came from a little splartkz [3] that more time is required when switching containers to pour out different sauces.

The report linked to the left, which looked more like an outline tracking the work I had done, was just an evidence of showing basic engineering design process including pre-analysis of the problem, primary and secondary stages of applying researches and comparing and selecting solution process. However, the report insufficiently shows the ability of profession, thus some refining work could be added to the original report.



  • design a sauce container that could pour the sauces out separately or at the same time


  • Must be well sealed, prevent sauces inside from leaking
  • Must not mix the sauces inside the container


  • low cost is preferred
  • more accessible to users is preferred
  • easy assembly is preferred


To better refine the report, more credible codes regarding plastic manufacture (even though properties of plastic are shown in the reported, those random sources need to be cited to show its credibility) and container assembly are required to be shown in the report. Even though, selection of design solution was made based on comparison of advantages and disadvantages of different choices, more visual representations and engineering analysis tools should serve as the medium for solution judgment.

Nevertheless, as a pre-engineering designer, I formed my own primary design process, which started from analyzing and researching a little problem from our daily life.


After making sure no such reference design was online, I expanded and problem and started brainstorming, laying out all feasible solutions and possible choice of materials for the design, judging and comparing them based on common sense and researches, scoping down the solutions and combining features in common until couple feasible future solutions left. More comparison occurred between them, and the final selection of the solution led to an easy construction of a low-fidelity of a prototype that serves the basic functionality as the conceptual product does. 

A premature version of the report of the product is linked below: 

2 figures of low-fidelity sketch with regards to the design


[3]Foster, J.; Irish, R.(2013, October. 15) 20139 – ESC101 – Engineering Science Praxis I – Lecture 17. [Online lecture slides]. Retrieved December 1, 2013. Available at:


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