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The Squeeze-Roll

-- A wringing solution to address RSI

As a team, our design value is to design for usability and efficiency. Usability increases dramatically from Mop toaster V1.0 to Squeeze-Roll V3.0 by adding user-friendly components and design features. To increase the efficiency of our design, we decided to use automated power instead of using any extra human efforts, by which the device reduces chances of getting Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) for the housekeepers to most extent. 

The gallary shows the entire design process and our iteration. Click on the pictures to see description for each
Mop Toaster V1.0
Sketch of Mop Toaster V2.0
Mop Toaster V2.0
The Squeeze-Roll V3.0
The Squeeze-Roll V3.0
Prototype of the Squeeze-Roll
Showcase Poster
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